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ByteRockers' Games

ByteRockers’ Games was founded in 2008 by Martin Knauf and has been led by Maik Reichelt since 2023. We aim to create unprecedented games and with the vision to develop something new out of every project, we set no limits on ourselves or our imagination. Combined with the best possible working conditions, we create new approaches for innovation and creativity in the gaming industry each day.

Games have long become mainstream and not just an ordinary form of entertainment. They embody the evolution of our culture, communication, interaction and networking in our modern society like no other medium. Thus, games are much more than just a pastime for us.

We’ve tried out numerous opportunities and learned important lessons over this impressively long period of over 15 years. And these experiences have shaped us into the company that we are today. We’re proud to have emerged stronger from each setback and continue to grow steadily. And we’ll continue to provide room for new ideas to flourish, because that’s the only way we can create games that reflect our passion for them.

Since 2024 we’re sharing this passion with other creative teams as we’ve started to become an indie publisher for external projects to give our partner’s project a fighting chance to survive in today’s tough market conditions.